donderdag 31 maart 2011

Meditation For Positive Brain Alteration (how to enhance your life and become an urban Zen monk!)

For a long period, meditation has been looked upon with skepticism by many as a result from its’ Buddhist origins, which have been associated with mysticism. The skeptics might want to consider packing their bags though, as science itself is providing empirical evidence for the amazing results one can achieve through meditation. It has become apparent that meditation alters the structure of the brain itself. This remarkable fact has been derived through the utilization of various neuro-imaging techniques and is current greatly contributing to the increasing practice of meditation by many in Western civilization.

Moreover, the good news is that you don’t even have to transform yourself into an ultimate Zen monk who lives more than half his life in lotus position! Check out how:  Meditation and Positive Brain Alteration

dinsdag 15 maart 2011

Brain Awareness Week

BAW is the global campaign to increase public awareness about the progress and benefits of brain research. Every March BAW unites the efforts of organizations worldwide in a week-long celebration of the brain. 

It's Brain Week this week! Some pretty amazing stuff going on in the field of neuroscience. 
Check out the latest news on neuroscience and  Brain Supplements!