donderdag 28 april 2011

Neurofeedback, Brain Technology To Improve Your Cognition?

Nowadays neuro-technology definitely has some really cool advantages. Ever wondered if it was possible to improve your concentration, increase your motivation or enhance your stress management? With the current developments of brain supplements this is becoming more and more easy, but there is also great option out there for those looking for other ways of improvement; neurofeedback

Through neurofeedback, which is also used in various treatment programs for psychological disorders, it becomes possible to become conscious of your own brain wave activity, eventually allowing you to exert a higher level of control over it! This technique uses a relatively simple learning concept called operant conditioning to maintain your brain wave activity, related to various cognitive processes, in a desired state.

Even though there are still plenty of skeptics out there who think neurofeedback is just as real as Michael Jacksons nose, recent research is providing convincing evidence that neurofeedback effects are genuine. Moreover, neurofeedback seems to be even more effective than brain supplements in the sense that the effects are long-term and last even after therapy is no longer received.

Check out more info about neurofeedback, it’s awesome effects and mechanisms

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