maandag 27 juni 2011

Brain Technology From The Future Has Arrived: Advertising That Reads Your Mind!

Remember that futuristic movie in which Tom Cruise is constantly on the run because of some prediction that he’ll commit a murder in the future? That was minority report, a pretty awesome movie that depicts an interesting future. Now Tom Cruise might not be that interesting for everyone, but there is one awesome feature in the movie that might become part of our daily lives in the very near future: Personalized advertising.

In the movie, advertising is personalized through ingenious face-scanning technology that is able to read your emotions and adjust the advertisements accordingly. This very feature is currently being developed and researched and will possibly make its break-through quite soon!

Question is; is a future in which technology is able to read our minds desirable? Wouldn’t this be a violation of our most inner privacy? In our society, in which brain supplements and neuro-technology is ever-developing, such ethical issues are becoming more and more important. Check out this quick video that explains the interesting developments on personalized advertising and the brain to judge for yourself!

dinsdag 14 juni 2011

Discovering The Social Brain: How Your Neurons Are Taking Care Of Your Social Skills!

As many of you hopefully know, we humans are social creatures. Almost every aspect of your life is related to social interactions in one form or another. This makes sense when viewed from an evolutionary perspective; our caveman ancestors lived in an extremely harsh world, in which proper social interaction was essential for survival. Through evolutionary processes active over millions of years, the brain has literally become hard-wired for social interaction.

Due to the recent and very awesome developments of brain imaging technology, more and more is being revealed about your social brain; the reading of emotional cues on other's faces, the perception of deception, or the generation of empathy through the mirror-neuron system; all are crucial for proper social interaction. Moreover, neuroimaging techniques have revealed that all these processes, as well as many others, are processed automatically by specific neural circuits in the brain. Next time you're talking to that cute girl/guy on the street, be aware that your social brain is working hard to allow you to act normally!

However, as brain science is continuously evolving, so are the opportunities to improve social interactions. Drugs that improve social cognition are already on the market and being developed. Can you imagine a time when it is not a problem at all to take some supplements every morning before lunch to improve your social skills? These kind of brain supplements are still being researched, but the ethics and attitudes towards such supplements will have to be considered as well at some point!




vrijdag 3 juni 2011

A different view on Neuroscience & Brain Supplements; The Darker Side Of Brain Science

As many of you probably know, the emergence of neuroscience has caused a revolution in terms of the possibilities available to understand and optimize our lives. Brain supplements allow people to improve their concentration, enhance their creativity and increase their memory capacity. Moreover, using the latest neuroimaging techniques finally reveals the molecular secrets constituting human behavior and mental activity.

On the other hand, all the achievements and results gained through neuroscience and brain supplements also have to potential to blind people from the other perspectives from which neuroscience can be viewed through the eyes of some beholder. One of these different perspectives exposes a darker side of neuroscience by showing the negative aspects and connotations. It’s a very interesting perspective which can open your eyes to a different side of brain science. Check out the full are article about the dark side of brain science and brain supplements